Extension and Garage Build

Two storey Extension and garage with first storey storage

Cilwych Fach


A beautiful property located near to Bwych and, with stunning views. The property served at some time as a stables/coach house and has many original features. The client wanted a double garage with a first storey storage facility above and a rear extension added to the property.


Coach House Design with Extension and Garage


Site and location plans

Coach House Design with Extension and GarageCoach House Design with Extension and Garage


Different concepts and ideas for the rear extension

Coach House Design with Extension and GarageCoach House Design with Extension and Garage


Final concept for the rear extension and garage

Coach House Design with Extension and Garage


Interior concepts

Coach House Design with Extension and GarageCoach House Design with Extension and Garage


New porch roof and windows

Coach House Design with Extension and Garage


Grit blasting off the lime wash render

Coach House Design with Extension and Garage


Showing the progress of the garage from the concrete foundations, to the retaining wall and then the inner brick wall to separate the garage.

Coach House Design with Extension and GarageCoach House Design with Extension and Garage


Garage and foundations for extension, below is the extension during the build.

Coach House Design with Extension and GarageCoach House Design with Extension and Garage

Coach House Design with Extension and GarageCoach House Design with Extension and Garage


The design has incorporated all the original stone from around the property to give an authentic look.

Coach House Design with Extension and GarageCoach House Design with Extension and Garage

